This is a timer where the exposure time can be changed using the dials. There are three dails, one going up in 10 seconds, one going up in seconds and the other in one tenth of a second. These are changed according to how long the image is needed to be exposed on to the photographic paper.
This is where we know the different stages that the roll of film is in during the process in the C41. When it is lit up, it indicates which stage the film is in. The film is first immersed in developer, then in a stop bath to neutralise the developer, and then ending in a photographic fixer, making it permanent. The roll of film is then washed and dried in the C41.
This is where we collect our films once they have been through the C41 machines.
An enlarger is used to project the image of a negative onto the base. A sheet of photographic paper is exposed to the enlarged image from the negative. Colour print paper must be kept in complete darkness until the prints are properly fixed. The colour filtration can be altered, increasing or decreasing the images contrast (the difference between dark tones and light tones).
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