Over christmas, my Dad and I were cleaning out the attic and we found his old projector. I set it up and we had a slide show of his slides. I was fascinated by the old way of how families would sit together and view holiday snaps on a large screen lit up from the projector. How it has changed so much from a slide projecter, to photographs and now, digitally on computers. The slides my dad showed me were of his holiday in Egypt thirty years ago. I imagined all my family sitting around the projector, thirty years ago, eagerly awaiting the slide show to begin and my Dad enthusiastically describing all his adventures.
After the slide show, I began thinking how I would like to use projection in my art work and how I could incorporate it into my project. I researched artists who also use projection, my favourite artists being Camille Utterback and Jenny Holzer.
Next, I would like to produce my own slides. However, I am unsure as to whether there still are slide films available and how they are processed. Will I be able to process the film myself, similar to the black and white films, or will I have to send it off to be processed?

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