Manifestos-Italian word meaning 'conspicuous'
Created in the Cubism and Futurism period, manifestos were used before film and television. It is a public declaration of principles and intentions. Today it is used to stream ideas and as a way of working, making your ideas visible. They are meant to be read out loud, public speaking.
Manifestos-'contagious speak acts'. Like a virus, spreading ideas. They are used to galvanise a movement. Create a discussion, arguement or revolt.
Positioning ideas within a public field. It is your own personal view, when it is published, you are putting your own authority on it.
Manifestos use repetition and slogans. For example, 'us' 'you' ' we'. The audience are forced to take sides.
What can a manifesto do for my practise?
Bauhaus Manifesto
Starts off with a summary, explaining the past and what is happening now. Walter Gropius begins the manifesto with a slogan, 'The ultimate aim of all creative activity is a building!'
The second paragraph, Walter explains his ideas and intentions. He argues that art can be taught. Speaking to artists in the third paragraph, he uses slogans to encourage artists to support his view, for example, 'Architects, painters, sculptors, we must all return to crafts!' He creates unity between artists by proposing that, 'there is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman.'
In the final paragraph, Walter is speaking to everyone, using powerful words to persuade the public, 'Let us desire, concieve, and create the new building of the future together.' He strongly believes he what he is stating. The manifesto is ending by talking about the future and what he believes should happen, 'will one day rise towards the heavens...'
Walter Gropius is proposing that everyone should learn together. Specialist groups under the same roof, working together to make things useful and simple. Uniting craftsmen and artists. He is rebelling against the old art schools. Similar to Interactive Arts, people with different practises all working together on the same course. The Bauhaus Manifesto has been linked to the introduction of Art foundations.
Our Manifesto-Interative Arts
Keep different specialist subjetcs like Art Foundation
Introduce workshops, inductions, space for everybody, no time limits (24 hour studio time)
All art subjects will be integrated
All teachers and students working together
Specialist teachers for each practise
More trip to exhibitions
Interactive Arts is the only art and design subject

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